To Our Valued Patient, COVID-19, otherwise known as Coronavirus is spreading across our nation. Our primary concern, as always, is your health and well-being. Here at Waco Family Dentistry, we are taking every precaution possible to minimize the spread of the virus and create a safe space for our patients and team members. Our team…
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Waco Family Dentistry is On The Move!

Waco Family Dentistry is On The Move! .....well, eventually. About a year ago I looked into sprucing up our office. Dr. Little has been here since 1977 and it’s been made over several times since then, and to be frank, we’re ready for another update. The problem came when some pieces of equipment we have…
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AHA Study links Periodontal Disease to Increased Mortality
Periodontal Disease can be a tricky and frustrating thing. It’s a true chronic disease that is never truly cured but can be maintained. In the early and middle stages there are little to no signs or symptoms, so when we diagnose it many times the Patient is unaware there is a problem, and let’s face…
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Happy New Year!
So before the holiday break I was stumped with a question by a patient. I take a lot of pride being able to explain all things dental so when I was asked, “Why are wisdom teeth called wisdom teeth?” I was a little annoyed that I didn’t know the answer! I’m sure I had heard…
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Tis the Season…
I love this time of year, and it’s not just because I finally get to enjoy cold air that I don’t have to pay for! I’ve always enjoyed Christmas and now that my boys are a little older and have a better understanding of what’s going on, the holidays are a lot of fun. But…
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Somebody at the AP Really Doesn’t Want to Floss!
So of course we’ve been getting lots of feedback and questions from this recent Associated Press article. It was published a couple of weeks ago, and if you didn’t hear about it and haven’t read it or don’t feel like reading it the gist is this: The Federal Government publishes dietary guidelines every 5 years…
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Is Going to the Dentist Scary?
Fear of the Dentist Yeah I’m going there – only my third blog post and I’m already having to dig deep into those subjects where nobody likes to go. Can’t wait to see what blog post #6 is going to be like! So the reason I bring this up is because I just finished up…
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Water Pikin’
When we started re-designing the website I did a lot of looking at other dentists’ websites across the country to get a feel for the best way to arrange it. And one of the things I noticed was that most had a blog. When I clicked on most blogs they were either attention-grabbing-pre- packaged posts…
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Welcome to Waco Family Dentistry – Dental Care in Waco
Thank you for visiting our brand new website! We have been working for the last couple of months writing new content to provide you all with more information that will make your visits easier, and increase your understanding as to why we recommend some of the treatments we do. So when I was thinking about…
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